To fully experience all God has for us, to become all He created us to be, we must obey. Often, obedience feels frightening. Obedience often comes at a cost, but disobedience costs us so much more.
Find Jennifer Slattery at:
https://www.JenniferSlatteryLivesoutLoud.com her ministry, Wholly Loved, at:
https://www.WhollyLoved.comGroup Discussion Questions:
1. John Piper suggests disobedience stems from disbelief. What are your thoughts regarding that statement?
2. What truths regarding God’s character, power, and presence can strengthen your courage to obey?
3. Where do you find it most challenging to obey, and why is that?
4. What fears most challenge your obedience?
5. What might disobedience cost you?
6. What truths can you hold tight to in order to counter those fears?
7. Consider someone you know who handles conflict effectively. What makes their actions most effective?
8. Consider a time in your past when God called you to obey in an area. Did you obey? What was the outcome of that situation and your obedience or disobedience?
9. Sometimes it feels as if our obedience makes situations worse. How can we stand firm on truth and righteousness during those times?
10. Pause to pray. Ask God what He wants to say to you regarding your obedience to Him.
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Mykyta Dolmatov
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