Does the thought of sharing the gospel make your anxiety rise? Do you feel unqualified - because of your past, your knowledge, experience, or status - to tell anyone about Jesus? In a discussion on the Samaritan woman, someone likely considered an outcast in her day, Jennifer Slattery suggests an easy and natural way to share Christ with others.
Find Jennifer Slattery at:
https://jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com Wholly Loved Ministries at:
https://www.WhollyLoved.comJoin the private Faith Over Fear Group Here: Discussion Questions:
1. What resonated with you most in today’s episode?
2. How do you normally feel when you think of sharing the gospel with others?
3. What do you find most challenging when it comes to sharing your faith?
4. Can you share a time when you felt disqualified or discounted due to your past?
5. Can you share a time when you felt disqualified or discounted due to lack of a prestigious role or credentials?
6. How has God called you “out of darkness and into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9)?
7. How comfortable are you with sharing your story?
8. Who do you find it easier to share Christ with - strangers or those close to you, and why do you think this is?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Nadya Ustyuzhantseva
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