In our dark and hurting world that is often antagonistic to biblical truth, we might feel tempted to surround ourselves with other Christ-followers and to insulate ourselves from the world. But that isn’t the life to which God calls us. Jesus said that you and I are the light of the world. We’re not meant to be hidden. Instead, God wants us to shine brightly for Him, recognizing that our world needs His life and hope now more than ever.
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Group Discussion Questions:
1.What resonated with you most in today’s episode?
2.What are some ways you’ve witnessed God’s light shining through others?
3.How did you feel when you were around those individuals?
4.What are some ways you believe God’s light shines through you?
5.When do you find it easiest to shine with the light of Christ?
6.When do you find it most challenging to shine God’s light?
7.What type of behavior would you equate to turning on the “flood lights”?
8.In what ways can such behavior prove counter productive?
9.When have you sensed God asking you to walk beside someone else when they felt as if their circumstances were particularly dark?
10.What are some ways you tried to bring light into their dark season?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/drogatnev
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