Most of us don’t like waiting. The longer we wait, whether that’s for a job, an answer, or perhaps for God to fix a problem, often, the more anxious we feel.
In this episode, Jennifer shares some truths that can help us wait confidently and courageously, knowing that God is loving and faithful and will perfect His plans for us.
Resources on Waiting Courageously:
Becoming His Princess Bible Study: His Princess Bible Study, Week Five Video: Waiting Well: God by Francis Chan
Find Jennifer Slattery at:
JenniferSlatteryLivesoutLoud her ministry, Wholly Loved, at:
Courageous Group Discussion Questions:
1. What are you currently waiting for?
2. In what area do you most struggle to wait on God’s timing?
3. Is fear of failure or disappointment affecting your ability to wait?
4. During waiting periods, who do you tend to turn to first—God or people?
5. Do you believe God wants to guide you?
6. What is God asking you to do today?
7. Has impatience ever led to regret, and if so how?
8. Why is it important to rest in where God has you now?
9. What might God be showing you regarding the condition of your heart during your waiting period?
10. What might it look like to “bloom where you’re planted?”
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Anna Minkina
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