My life began to change dramatically once I actively, specifically, consistently and persistently praying against my fears specifically, in faith. That’s when I began to experience miraculous intervention.
The Lord’s Prayer is probably the most often spoken prayer in all of Christendom. Many of us have grown up reciting the words and often do so without thinking. But when we take time to really meditate on these simply yet profound lines spoken by Jesus Himself, we’ll find our faith and intimacy with Him grows while our fears decrease.
Find Jennifer Slattery at:
https://jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com Wholly Loved, at:
https://www.WhollyLoved.comSuggested Resources:
Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey
Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer by Max Lucado
Group Discussion Questions:
1. What is your experience with the Lord’s Prayer?
2. What line in the Lord’s prayer do you find particularly thought-provoking or impactful?
3. What images or thoughts come to mind when you think of God as your Father?
4. How does knowing God is completely “other” –outside of time and space—bring you comfort?
5. What are some ways you treat God as “hallowed’ or holy?
6. What are some ways you’ve seen God’s kingdom come into your sphere?
7. What most challenges your ability to say, “Lord, Your will be done in my life?”
8. Is there someone you need to forgive?
9. How might actively working toward a heart of forgiveness help bring you increased freedom?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Overearth
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