When we are anxious or when life feels uncertain, many of us strive for control, making ourselves, rather than Christ, Lord of our lives. The problem is, we don’t have perfect wisdom or supreme power. But God does. When we choose to trust our Savior, our Adonai, to be our Lord by following His lead, we’ll experience increased peace and joy, and often, decreased messes.
Host Jennifer Slattery and her husband discovered just how true this was when they found themselves in a seemingly impossible situation where obedience felt hard and risky.
Follow Jennifer:
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https://www.facebook.com/groups/442736966614671Group Discussion Questions:
1. What does it mean to you when you hear someone talk about Jesus being Lord?
2. What’s the difference between stating God is Lord, and living as if He is?
3. What are some reasons living under Christ’s Lordship can feel so challenging?
4. What are some truths that can make surrendering to Christ as Lord easier?
5. Consider the passage Jennifer read regarding the time David spared his enemies life. When have you been in a similar situation where you felt threatened and wanted to take matters into your own hands? How did you respond, and what was the result?
6. When have you entrusted a particularly frightening situation to God and seen Him work things out?
7. How can surrendering to Christ as Lord help decrease our anxiety?
8. How can surrendering to Christ as Lord increase our joy?
9. What is one area of your life God would like you to more fully entrust to Him?
10. Continuing your thoughts from question 9, what is one step you can take to trust God more fully in that area?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/arata
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