Everything that we need to bring forth our harvest is already in the ground of our heart. We don’t have to know how it the Word works, but just know that it works. Our job is simply to keep sowing and watering the Word.
God is for us. He wants us to win more than we want to win and He’s given us EVERYTHING we need to win.
But we have to fight the "good fight of faith". It’s called the good fight because we already know the outcome if we don’t give up, cave in, or quit. We have to get aggressive with our faith. We have to decide to be tenacious, aggressive, persistent, determined, and bold.
We have to bite down on the Word like a bulldog bites down on a bone and refuse to let go of our confession of faith until we see the manifestation of what we are declaring that Word for. We bite down on it until patience (endurance) has had it’s perfect work, then we WILL be perfect, complete, lacking in nothing!
Join me for the final part of What To Do When You're In A Trial for HOW to employ patience and endurance.