We are living in a time where everyone says they “know” God but doesn’t live in a way that is pleasing to him. The church has forgotten what in means to be saved and sanctified unto God…. The enemy has made more than half of the Christian community believe that being “ saved “ or having the “ Holy Spirit “ is when you chant what the preachers says and don’t have a life that represents the life you been born into. There is a false conversion happening in the church, many have been baptized with water and not baptized with his spirit…the enemy has made salvation look easy to achieve but difficult to live…the enemy says everyone is Gods children but doesn’t want you to live, speak or proclaim what a child of God is supposed to proclaim…which is holiness…This is deception, many people walk in there imagination bc preachers have water downed the gospel and made saints numb to sin…therefore you have Christian’s who can live a life style of carnality and live for themselves and truly don’t feel convicted about it bc they truly don’t know God…we are headed in the most crucial times in the church …God is requiring those who say they are saved to check whether or not you be in the faith…It’s time to minister the gospel and preach YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN…You must understand the truth behind Gods salvation story, what did he come to do? How did he do it? And why did he do it?