179 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Månadsvis
Our MISSION is to help you fulfill your highest calling in Christ and that is exactly what we are here to talk about! Discover your identity and purpose, thrive in your ministry or marketplace, and live both supernaturally and abundantly. Find out more about Family Life at familylife.cc. Thanks for listening!
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Is your niceness ever passive? Today Danny shows us the crucial difference between niceness and kindness, sometimes being ‘nice’ isn’t always the kindest, most loving thing to do.
Hearing the Voice of God is paramount to our christian walk. Today Joe talks us through how to grow in our sensitivity to his voice, and the impact humility has.
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community is valuable and necessary for proper living. Today Natalie talks us through the values that guide our community here at Family Life
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10-Minute Teaching is all about activating the teaching gifts here within our church. We have invited 3 speakers to share what God has been teaching them, specifically about hearing the voice of God.
Enjoy these 3 messages prepared by Kristine Aikenhead, Josh Williams, & Katie Tabisz.
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Paul tells us that he hopes that ALL would desire prophecy and that's exactly what we're going to do! Today Schlyce introduces us to the beauty and the power of prophecy.
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When God judges people, they are set free and given new life. When the World judges people, they are sentenced to death and isolation. God's judgement is designed to heal and liberate us! Don't be afraid of judgement because that may actually be the way to end your suffering and set you free!
Today Danny Hochstatter flips our idea of judgement on it's head.
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Jesus used to wash feet but he is now seated in Heaven with God. The Holy Spirit would wash feet but the Holy Spirit has no physical form. However, the Holy Spirit IN YOU can wash feet. We are God's hands and feet on the Earth. This also means that God's hands are all around us, ready and waiting to minister to you directly. Pray to God but look at those around you for the answer to your prayer.
Today Natalie Hochstatter widens our perspective on how present and active Jesus is in our lives.
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It's hard to feel close with someone when they are mad at you. The good news is that God loves you and He is not mad at you! When we know this, it allows us to come to Him with an open heart and our defenses down.
Today Joe Barlow guides us through this wonderful reality.
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ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) lead to negative emotions which then lead to bad or unhelpful actions. If we can learn how to set our thinking straight and "take every thought captive" then we can truly "be transformed by the renewing of our minds."
Today Danny takes us through a practical yet lighthearted take on managing your thought life.
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God has infused His Word with power! When we know the Word of God and we understand the power that it holds, we can begin to activate the power and promises of God that are just waiting to be released in this world.
Today John King uncovers the hidden power of the Word of God!
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The APA has reframed traditional masculinity (marked by stoicism, competitiveness, and aggression) as harmful, even going so far as to label it as a Mental Illness! But are these masculine traits always toxic OR is it only toxic when these attributes are not submitted to Christ? If we find these traits in Jesus, then we cannot be so quick to throw the masculine baby out with the bathwater.
Today Danny Hochstatter defines Godly masculinity and calls our men to rise up as the kings they were made to be!
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Our desires war within us like factions fighting to take the throne. Our desires, emotions, and ambitions all seek to rule our hearts but only ONE King can truly bring life to the whole Kingdom. The war for the throne of your heart is Spiritual Warfare and we must know how to win.
Today Danny Hochstatter introduces us to the kingdom within our souls.
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On Pentecost, the Jesus changed the game forever when the Holy Spirit was released onto Jesus' followers. That ministry is still alive today which is why we celebrate the gift of supernatural ministry fueled by the Holy Spirit.
Today Danny & Natalie recount this epic event and bring it into our day-to-day.
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Moms have a tough job and the only way to hold your head high and to keep moving forward is to allow yourself grace. Moms don't have to be perfect, they just need to do their best. If you can accept grace, then motherhood becomes much more fun and effective!
Natalie Hochstatter builds moms up today with the gift of grace.
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We all know "the right thing to do" because God built it into us. We refer to this as our "Conscience," just like Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio! What if our conscience is actually the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth?
Today Danny Hochstatter playfully highlights this inner voice for us.
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Christians are God's solution for many of the problems in our world today. Are we ready to respond to God's calling on our lives or are we too distracted or unwilling to listen?
Today Joe Barlow inspires us to step up!
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Life with Jesus is a transformative adventure but, even so, we can become distracted by other things. How can we increase our appetite for the divine and develop a zeal for seeing ourselves and our world transformed?
Today Schlyce Jimenez stokes the fires of our passion for Jesus!
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Our emotions are given to us by God. Many people think that feeling the emotions of fear, sadness, or anxiety means that we are not in faith or that we are somehow weak or failing. However, if Jesus Wept, if Jesus flipped tables and called out the Pharisees, and if Jesus experienced sorrow that felt like death, then there must be a way to experience our emotions and our humanity in a healthy way.
Today Natalie Hochstatter helps us tap into the strength of our emotions without letting them become a weakness.
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A Hero's Journey begins when they LEAVE their COMFORT ZONE. This means that the Hero's path is not a comfortable one. Comfort feels great but it does not lead to growth. If we are going to ever reach our full potential and bring hope and healing to this world, we need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Today Danny Hochstatter stretches us as he inspires us toward the rough and rocky path to becoming our best selves.
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What do cows and marriage have to do with Easter? It turns out, this short story from 1965 is a simple, captivating, and profound picture of what Jesus did on the Cross. This message beautifully illustrates Jesus as the Bridegroom and His passionate pursuit of His Bride.
This Easter Danny reminds that the Gospel is truly the greatest love story of all time.
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When Jesus is King, things change. This Palm Sunday, we are reminded of the importance of placing Jesus at the highest seat of authority within our own hearts.
Today Joe Barlow elevates Jesus to His rightful place.
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10-Minute Teach Sunday is an opportunity for trusted individuals within our church to step up and share what God is doing in their life.
Today we had the privilege of learning from David Barrow, Nancy Barlow, & Josh Williams.
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Our beliefs define our reality. Bad beliefs lead to bad thoughts, bad feelings, and bad behavior. Fortunately, that system also works in reverse. When our beliefs align with the Truth, good things happen almost automatically. The question is "Do our beliefs produce behavior that looks like Jesus?"
Today Danny Hochstatter compares and contrasts important beliefs about God.
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We have heard a lot of things said about God but not all of them are true. We need to look carefully at these claims because an incorrect belief about God may be greatly affecting our relationship with Him or our overall wellbeing.
Today Danny & Natalie take a closer look at some of these claims.
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Ephesians 4 lays out the 5 crucial functions that a body must perform in order to demonstrate the fullness of Jesus Christ and His ministry on the earth. We believe each person is built to excel at 1 or 2 of these fivefold assignments and we know that we are all to be equipped in each area.
Today Danny Hochstatter shares what the church can truly become when these 5 functions are all active!
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Are you doing what you were MADE to do or just what you were TOLD to do? Just because we can do something doesn't mean we were designed to do it. Discovering our design will help us function more effortlessly in our life and help us be of more service to those around us.
Today Danny Hochstatter plays around with this concept.
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This Sunday we have 3 different speakers bringing 3 different mini-messages about what God has been teaching them in their own lives.
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God has made this world to work together in a systematic way. Many of God's blessings are random but rather the result of someone tapping into God's systems of blessing and acting in accordance with His design. Today Joe Barlow unfolds this concept for us today.
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Life can be heavy but what is heaviest to you may be light for someone else. How can we use our strengths to help others while also allowing others to help life what is heavy for us? Today Natalie Hochstatter explores this concept.
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We create the future we see in our minds. When we ask God what Heaven looks like in our lives and our communities, He will give us a clear Vision of what we are to build and once we see it in our minds, it's just a matter of time and effort before it becomes our reality.
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“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but ONE THING is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42). We get so busy with so many things that we think are important but, in doing so, we miss the one thing that actually matters the most. MORE does not mean BETTER. I don't want to be BUSY, I want to be FRUITFUL.
Today Danny Hochstatter draws our attention back to the ONE THING that matters most.
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What is the difference between the Soul and the Spirit? And while the Bible seems to care more about our spiritual life than our physical one, what role does that Body play in a balanced, healthy life?
Today Danny, Natalie, and Andrew discuss these 3 components in the context of personal wellbeing.
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Heaven was giddy with uncontainable excitement just before Jesus was born! Angels and forces conspired to ensure that Jesus was revealed. I would like to propose that Heaven is just as giddy to see Jesus Christ revealed in each of us as well. Whether it was in a manger all those years ago OR in simply your mind, your heart, or your behavior, all of Heaven loses their minds at the thought of seeing Jesus on display once again.
Today Danny Hochstatter takes an exciting, personal take on the Christmas story.
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Join us for 3 beautiful stories about what happens what Jesus becomes a part of someone's life. Whether it's transformation, revival, salvation, or something more, the stories never get old.
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Whatever we focus on will grow in our hearts and minds. When we focus on the GOOD in the people around us, we honor the gold that has been placed within them and it grows. When we focus on the BAD in people, we only grow in our awareness of those bad things. What if honor is the key to turning our hearts towards those that we view as wrong or 'less-than' in our lives?
Today Natalie Hochstatter provides a pathway back to relationship with even our toughest cases.
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"The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is not so wonderful for many. While family is a HUGE blessing, it can be tough. How do we connect with our families intentionally, improve our relationships, and maintain peace in our homes this Christmas?
Today Joe Barlow shares what he has learned as the 10th or 14 kids and a father of 7 about keeping peace in the home.
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We don't pray to change God's mind, we pray to change our own. Prayer is simply conversation with God but there are several layers of deep revelation to be found within the act of prayer. This message is an attempt to bring light to a few facets of this transformative, life-giving, and powerful practice.
Today Danny Hochstatter gets us fired up about prayer!
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Jesus did not begin His ministry or perform any miracles until he received the Holy Spirit. If Jesus didn't do His work until He had the Holy Spirit, neither should we! Water Baptism is a public display of our choice to follow Jesus, but being Baptized in the Spirit, in fire, that is when the Holy Spirit doesn't just live in you, it begins to flow through you and out to the world!
Today Natalie Hochstatter leads us through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and invites into a whole new level of power through total surrender to Jesus.
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Any living thing that ONLY receives dies. Any living thing that ONLY gives dies. We are meant to be in a constant rhythm of giving and receiving. One without the other leads to death. We are the salt of the earth but when too much salt is concentrated in one place, we become bitter and lifeless. This is what happens in the Dead Sea. Despite receiving Millions of fresh water every day, without an outlet, it gets salty, lifeless, and bitter.
Today Danny Hochstatter invites us to empty ourselves to make room for the fresh water that flows from the Temple of God.
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If your faith feels lifeless then we are missing what faith is all about! God wants to breathe fresh life back into your relationship with Him. Revival is simply means bringing something back life beginning in ourselves, then our families, then our community, then the world. Jesus is alive and active! Come to Him and receive new life in abundance and then share it with all who are willing to listen.
Today Danny & Natalie chart a new course for Family Life, to see our church and the world around us transformed by the power and love of Jesus Christ.
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In John 15:7, Jesus says "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." So what does it mean to abide? What do we desire? And will it really be done? What if God wants us to be asking for more than we think. What if our humility is hindering God's generosity?
Today Joe Cirafici challenges us all to believe that God is better than we think He is.
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God is always speaking but are we always listening? What are the different means and mechanisms by which we hear Him? God longs for us to draw near and develop a relationship with Him but how do we do that practically?
Today Natalie Hochstatter invites us to communicate with God more intimately.
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We all understand the feeling of being "Not Enough." Not smart enough, wealthy enough, good enough, etc. But when Paul asked God to remove his weakness, God responded by saying "My grace is enough for you." (2 Cor 12:9). How does God's grace close the gap on where we lack and make it into "enough?" What if it's within our weakness that the grace of God works best?
Today Danny Hochstatter brings the concept of grace down from the abstract and right to the heart.
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Jesus prays in John 17 that we would be ONE but in Genesis 11, the people at the tower of Babel WERE one and God dispersed them. Maybe not all "Oneness" is created equal. What then does true "Oneness" look like in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Today Vito LoCascio paints a picture of true unity amongst believers.
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We all make mistakes, but how do we respond to them in our relationships? Do we demand repayment and punishment, like the Law, or do we extend grace and allow our love to make room for shared imperfection? Jesus taught us a whole new way to respond to people who miss the mark AND His sacrifice enables us to do the same.
Today Danny & Natalie talk about how grace empowers and transforms our relationships.
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Grace has the power to change things but what is it exactly? It's a gift, it's a force, it's a mindset, and it's a catalyst. When we receive a gift we don't deserve, we are moved to live a life worthy of the price that was paid for it. This is why Jesus died for us. The only one who was truly worthy gave up his life for the unworthy so that the unworthy may become worthy.
Today Danny Hochstatter illustrates the power that grace contains.
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God is always presenting us with incredible opportunities to participate in His work but if we're not listening, we'll miss it. When we keep an ear turned toward heaven, moment-to-moment, then when He speaks, we can respond and be ready to see what God wants to do right here, right now.
Today Joe Barlow shares a legacy of Holy Spirit-inspired miraculous moments.
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We are meaning-making machines! But do the meanings that we attach to the events in our life actually line up with the meaning that God attaches to them? If we can gain Christ's perspective on the world, maybe we'll begin to see the rich world of meaning and possibility that He sees.
Today Schlyce Jimenez takes a look at our spiritual lenses.
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The Greek word for "Offense" is "Skandalon" which means "a trap or a snare." If you're offended, you're trapped. Your love, empathy, understanding, and judgement are all bound up by you being in an offended state of being. The enemy has set traps for you all around but we must be wise enough to recognize them. DON'T TAKE THE BAIT!
Today Danny Hochstatter helps free us from these traps and teaches us how to spot them!
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Jesus is the only human that has ever had the authority to condemn someone for their sins. What does He do with that authority? He stoops down to our level, to meet us where we are at, and offer grace instead.
Today Joshua Williams paints a beautiful picture of our graceful God.
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There is a new level of spiritual intimacy that is unlocked when you receive the Holy Spirit. Today Hannah talks about understanding God not just as "Father," but also as "Daddio."
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Today Kristine Aikenhead guides us through the scriptural understanding of Baptism. What does it mean and why does it seem so important to God?
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Bringing Heaven to Earth can be more fun than you might think! Yielding to the Holy Spirit benefits the Kingdom, yourself, and others.
Today Joe Barlow invites us into a new, exciting way of life!
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Did you know that loneliness can shorten your life expectancy by 15 YEARS?! It's also linked to several other negative health effects AND a more hollow life experience in general. It turns out that we are hard-wired for human connection and the sooner we start investing ourselves into a family/community, the sooner we truly start to come alive as well as find our place of purpose in the body of Chirst.
Today Danny Hochstatter talks about how community absolutely transformed his life.
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Most people think that people who talk to themselves are crazy. Turns out, it's exactly the opposite! Learning to listen to what your own heart is trying to tell you is not crazy, it's actually the pathway to a more healthy, integrated, and fruitful self.
Today Natalie Hochstatter blows minds and connects hearts.
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We cannot know who we are unless we know who God is. He is the one who made us so to know more about the creation, we must go to the Creator. But how do we talk with Him? How do we hear what He has to say?
Today Joe Barlow tunes us in to hear God's voice.
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"Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." To pray this prayer as Jesus taught us, we must ask a few questions: What is your Kingdom? What is Your will? What does Heaven look like and how do we bring it here?
Today Danny Hochstatter gets fired up about this foundational goal.
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WE DID IT! For 18 years, we have been a church without a permanent home but today that all changes! As we host our first Sunday ever in our new building, we wanted to tell the story of how God led us out of Egypt, and after some time in the wilderness, we have reached our Promised Land! God's hands were all over this project from the very beginning. We cannot wait to see what God does next in our new home!
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It is a privilege to witness what God does in the lives of those He gives us and it is a privilege to tell others about it. As we gather for the last time before moving into our first permanent home, we wanted to tell the stories of what God has done and we ask Him to do it again, bigger and better, with as many as He will give us.
Today Danny Hochstatter brings a historic message that captures the heart of the local church in a visceral and powerful way.
We can't figure out God without God, yet this is exactly what most people do once they encounter any real doubt or confusion about their faith. Like Eve, we turn from God and try to figure Him out on our own when all He wants us to do is to come and talk to Him about it. We must be willing to have difficult conversations as a church in order for us to properly handle our questions with the only one who has the answers we are after.
Today Natalie Hochstatter challenges us to move from deconstruction to reconstruction!
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Life is heavy but a little levity makes things easier to carry. Laughter, Joy, and Fun add a lightness to life that we all desperately need. As a church, we must be a place that people come to have their burdens lifted, not added to. This is why we must learn to receive and give joy, because it is a remedy that the world needs and it brings people together.
Today Danny Hochstatter lightens the mood with an uplifting message of joy!
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There is a reason that God uses the title of "Father" to describe Himself. JC tells us stories of fatherhood and how they have revealed the Father's heart to him in simple yet profound ways.
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When we hear the story of the Prodigal Son, we often look to compare ourselves to the older brother or the younger brother but the character we are all destined to emulate is the Father.
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Shame reduces us to nothing more than the mistakes we've made. We must overcome our shame to become the father's we were made to be.
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Signs & Wonders were an integral part of Jesus' ministry. Mark 16:17-18 says "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” It doesn't say that this divine power is limited to the Apostles or that they would be temporary, they are described as though they would be regular occurrences for ANYONE who believes in Jesus and the power of His name. While this is not a standard that much of the global church currently enjoys, we want to become a people who live naturally supernatural! This means that we must continue to press into the supernatural gift of God's Holy Spirit.
Today Schlyce Jimenez shares her fascinating and inspiring experiences of operating in Signs & Wonders.
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When we pause, we notice things. When we get quiet, we can hear clearly. When we rest, we recover our strength and our health. When we stop and look around, we find that there is a whole world of beauty and value right where we are at. In order to be present with God, we must learn how to step out of the chaos and the noise and simple BE with Him. The only place to experience God's presence is in the present.
Today Danny Hochstatter, serial workaholic, reminds us of the value of PAUSE amidst a world of chaos and disorder.
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If God doesn't speak then He is just a book. But we know that God is so much more than that! He is alive, He is active, and He is most certainly speaking! Prayer was never meant to be a one-way street. When we pray, we must never forget to listen and allow God to move us, guide us, and change us. Once we learn to hear Him for ourselves, we must learn to hear Him on behalf of others. After all, people don't need another self-help book or another cold philosophy, people need to hear who they are from the loving God that made them and calls them into His royal family.
Today Joe Barlow activates us in the practice of hearing personally from our heavenly Father.
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When you SERVE, both YOU and the KINGDOM GROW! It's that simple. Despite the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh, He served so many, so often, choosing the position of a servant. If Jesus did it, we should do it too. After all, "Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, but those who humble themselves will be exalted (Matthew 23:12)!"
Today Danny Hochstatter inspires us into action as we seek to imitate Christ together through service.
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The Hebrew word for "Sin" is "Khata," which literally translates to "missing the mark." When we sin, what it really means is that we failed to hit the target that God set for us.
Whatever the reason, the sacrifice of Jesus covered the cost of our failures. Because of this, we can continue to take aim and boldly throw again and again in hopes of one day hitting the highest target that God has invited us to hit.
Today Danny Hochstatter encourages us to dream big, aim high, and bravely get back in the game!
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Everyone gets older but not everyone grows up. In the garden of our hearts, we want more good fruit and less weeds (aka. things that grow without permission). Growth of this kind rarely happens by accident. Intentional growth requires vision and discipline. By engaging in spiritual disciplines and developing a hunger for the goodness of God to shine through us, we can become people who look more and more like Jesus, which is also the true measure of maturity.
Today Natalie Hochstatter invites us into the adventure of a lifetime with the best friend and teacher available, Jesus Himself.
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Spiritual Maturity works a lot like Physical Maturity.
This is how it works in the natural and this is how it works spiritually. We are not meant to remain spiritually dependent on other, more mature Christians, especially when it's something we should be capable of doing ourselves. We must grow, learn to care for ourselves and others.
Today Danny Hochstatter lays out the path from "Spiritual Newborn Orphans" to "Elders, Leaders, and Mentors in the Family of God."
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We are meant to have a 2-way relationship with God. He's not just an idea, He's a person and He has made a way for you to be close to Him.
Today Joe Barlow shows us how to be truly close with God.
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Enjoy this "5 Minute Fuel" by Susan Barrow, an Elder here at Family Life.
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Enjoy this "5 Minute Fuel" by Mike Schuster, an Elder at Family Life.
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Enjoy this "5 Minute Fuel" about Palm Sunday by Kristine Aikenhead, an Elder & Trustee at Family Life.
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This Resurrection Sunday we discuss the true significance of the resurrection. Romans 10:9 says “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” I would like to propose to you today that it matters that you believe that He has risen. The wisdom of scripture isn’t enough unless you believe that Jesus is alive. After all, without resurrection, all that's left is suffering and death. With Jesus, however, death is not the end of the story.
This Easter, Danny Hochstatter digs into the true power and significance of Christ's victory over sin and death on the cross.
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What does it look like to go to war with other spirits? And also, is really a war if the battle is already won? Maybe spiritual warfare is less about fighting and more about letting our enemies know that the battle is already won.
Today Danny Hochstatter concludes his series by presenting an often unconsidered approach to winning the spiritual war.
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If the goal is that we be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18), then it is important that we know, not only what he looks like, but also His "likeness." What is God really like?
Today Natalie Hochstatter leads us through the bounty of scriptures that point to God's nature.
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The story of Legion shows us that many spirits may offer us freedom but always at a terrible cost. The Holy Spirit is the only spirit capable of offering us true freedom, not as slaves but as sons and daughters of the living God.
Today Danny Hochstatter leads us in helping to elevate the Spirit of God within us to the highest seat of authority amongst our inner council.
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This is a mini-message presented by one of our church elders, Becki Bustin. Enjoy!
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This is a mini-message taught by our very own JC Aikenhead. Enjoy!
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This is a mini-message by our member care coordinator, Kristin Sauer.
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There is a council of voices within you. Your emotions, your fears, your vices, your memories, they all speak. These voices can be conceptualized as "Spirits" within you, in that they all have their own goals, beliefs, and patterns of behavior. The question is this: Of all the "Spirits" within you, which one is in charge? If you have accepted Jesus into your heart, then His Holy Spirit lives within you and it is a part of your "Inner Council." But when it comes to your internal world, which "Spirits" have priority over the Spirit of God? Which ones are beneath Him?
Today Danny Hochstatter illustrates the internal war that every person fights, which is the beginning of Spiritual Warfare.
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Even on a molecular level, opposites attract but they don't stay together unless they are transformed. Once molecules are drawn together, they must shift, share, or lose pieces of themselves in order to form a stable bond with another molecule. Turns out, relationships are the same way! By allowing our relationships to influence us, we can be shaped into the best possible version of ourselves just by drawing near to the ones we love.
Danny & Natalie tag-team this peculiar yet profound approach to being transformed by our relationships.
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Knowing the Word of God is not the same as believing the Word of God. And believing the Word of God is not the same as declaring and standing firm on the Word of God. By planting our feet firmly on God's Word, we allow the live-giving wisdom within to bear fruit in our lives.
Today John King brings a powerful and encouraging word.
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While the Holy Spirit is 1/3rd of who God is, many people seem to know very little about Him. This is a brief introduction to the Holy Spirit of God and how we are meant to interact with Him in our lives.
Natalie Hochstatter gives a brief overview of the Holy Spirit today.
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It is the story that we believe about ourselves that determines how we interpret each moment of our lives. When we know how our story ends, it enables us to see our current circumstance as just another chapter between here and the pre-determined victory at the end of the story. This gives us hope, adds meaning to our suffering, and helps us not lose sight of what God is doing in us and through us.
Today Danny Hochstatter shifts our thinking into looking at ourselves and our story through this narrative lens.
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We cannot fulfill our highest calling in Christ without Christ. He is the one who assigns us our destiny and the one who empowers us to fulfill it. We cannot grasp the whole picture or discern our next steps unless we ask God what to do next. By learning how to maintain an open dialogue with God, we can get moment-to-moment instructions from our heavenly coach about what to do next. We cannot afford to not listen.
Schlyce Jimenez dials us in on this practice of divine communication today and gives us some very practical steps, which are to:
1. Surrender
2. Journal
3. Ask God for a word for your month/quarter/year
4. Whatever He says, DO IT!
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Hearing the Voice of God is critical to us knowing who we are and where we are going. Developing this skill will help us find our place in the family of God and in the world at large.
Joe Barlow today teaches us to tap into this crucial radio frequency and hear God directly.
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There is an ancient process that transforms a seed into a tree. It doesn't take a miracle, it just requires patience and trust. Trust in the process and trust in the one who created the process. Water, soil, and sunshine, day after day after day, and there will be a tall, strong tree that will bear fruit for weeks, years, maybe even generations to come. All you have to do is be patient... and trust the process.
Wherever you are in your process, Danny Hochstatter brings an inspiring word, that feels more like a locker room hype speech than a sermon, and it is sure to encourage you to complete the race you are running.
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On Christmas day, we celebrate Immanuel, God WITH us. God loved us so much that He stepped into our story, arriving as a humble child, to lead us back to the Father. Jesus Christ is born and His mission is clear and it's all stated right there in the name "Jesus."
This Christmas, Danny Hochstatter concludes this series on the names of God with the name above all names.
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In the wilderness, there was a pillar of fire to guide His people. On Christmas morning, there was a star. When Jesus walked the earth, HE was the light. But where is it now? Where is the light that guides us? The light that leads us to God? I'll give you a hint: It's closer than you think.
Danny Hochstatter illustrates this powerful, biblical theme and how it applies to us today.
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God is our Everlasting Father and one of the things that a father does is he sows seed. Whether physical or spiritual, the words and actions of a father can bring about life where there previously was none. Women, this gift is available to you as well.
Joe Barlow, a father of 7 children himself, expounds on this aspect of fatherhood today.
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Relationships are not always easy but they can be simple. By putting in a few simple practices, we can begin to remove most of the pain and dysfunction of our relationships and begin to experience mutually beneficial, life-giving relationships instead. These 4 steps are:
1. Develop Your Awareness.
2. Practice Assertive Communication.
3. Set Proper Boundaries.
4. Make Forgiveness a Daily Habit.
Natalie Hochstatter lays out these simple but powerful tools for us today.
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Gratitude can transform the world around us. Through this one simple shift in our thinking, our emotions, our relationships, our careers, and even our physical health begins to improve. Gratitude adds value to the things in our life as we recognize the good around us and humbly acknowledge that most (if not all) of the good in our lives has come from outside of ourselves. This one simple practice can change your life. I promise you.
Today Danny Hochstatter unveils the hidden potential and transformative power of Gratitude.
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How do we respond when tragedy strikes, when we are thrust into uncertainty, and faced with the contrast between "how it went" and "how it was supposed to go." While there is much that we don't know about God, there is quite a bit that we DO know and it is those certainties that comfort us in the midst of great and painful uncertainty. Israel, God's chosen people, are those who "wrestle with God." We are not supposed to turn away from Him, and even though we cannot defeat Him, we must wrestle with Him until we are blessed by the fight. We are Kings and Priests my friends, and Kings don't look away. Press into the uncertainty and discomfort and allow it to lead you to the revelation and comfort waiting on the other side.
Today Danny Hochstatter encourages us to be just like Israel and wrestle with God.
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Many people make it to the end of their entire life without truly knowing friendship. The ancients mostly agreed that Friendship was one of the most transcendent and profound forms of love and yet more modern minds seem to say very little about it. Jesus said "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) It's interesting that the greatest love in NOT found in laying down one's life for their God, or their spouse, or their children, but rather for our friends. Perhaps there is a deeper significance to the beauty of friendship that we have missed.
Today Danny Hochstatter shares 5 lessons of friendship through stories of 5 significant friendships from his own life. Listen close and be blessed.
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When we plant corn seeds, they become sprouts, then stalks, then corn. We don't know exactly how it works but it works! God built us the same way. We are designed to grow. Much like a seed needs water and sunshine to grow, our hearts have certain requirements as well. But when we meet the growth conditions that our heart requires, growth is a force of nature that cannot be stopped.
Today Bernard Williams teaches us how to tend the soil of our hearts.
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When asked how to remain spiritually healthy, Dallas Willard's famous response was "... You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life... There is nothing else..." In our world of go-go-go, the idea of slowing down, taking a breath, and simply remaining still seems like a waste of time, or lazy, or irresponsible. However, the only place we can really interact with God is in the present. He is the God of the here-and-now. If we wish to experience more of His presence, we must also be present.
Danny Hochstatter teaches today about the cost of hurry as well as the incredible gift of simply... being... present...
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God describes Himself as both a friend, a father, and a bridegroom. These are not distant, cold figures who rule from their ivory tower, these are pictures of warm, loving, and incredibly personal relationships that we are meant to have with our creator. But how do we grow in intimacy with God?
Today Schlyce Jimenez invites us to a deeper and more personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.
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What do we do when God doesn't do what we expect Him to? Proverbs explains how everything is supposed to go but Ecclesiastes and Job are books of the Bible dedicated to helping us wrestle with the reality that things don't always turn out like they should. In the face of suffering, injustice, unanswered prayers, how are we meant to respond to Him?
Today Danny Hochstatter takes us on a journey of finding hope amidst disappointment.
ANTs are Automatic Negative Thoughts and our heads are full of 'em! That is why we need to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We need to examine our thoughts under the light of God's truth and be intentional about which thoughts we allow to be planted in our hearts. It's almost impossible to control our emotions but we CAN control our thoughts and it is our thoughts that often create our emotions, both positive and negative. Better thinking leads to better feeling which leads to better action!
Danny Hochstatter helps us defeat our ANTs today with the help of Captain Snout (a children's book by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.).
The majority of our emotional pain comes from the way we think. If we can correct (or renew) the way we think, then we can actually avoid the vast majority of pain that would normally come from our relationships or just life in general.
Natalie Hochstatter helps us to "Stop the Pain" that we create for ourselves in this essential teaching on our propensity for "Judgement."
The way that you live your life will either draw people into the Kingdom or repel people from it. Bernard Williams implores us to live a life that is appealing to others as well as honoring to God.
Mike life was not changed because he CAME to church. Mike's life was changed because he was asked to SERVE the church. Mike's story is one that begins in aimless self-focus and ends in powerfully fulfilling self-sacrifice.
Josh Williams walks us through some of the story of Abraham while expounding on the profoundness of his incredible faith. He didn't just believe God, he acted out his faith without hesitation.
Healthy families don't happen by accident. It requires intentional building, connecting, and laying a foundation that both you and your kids and stand firmly upon. If you're doing your job right, your kids shouldn't be following you because they HAVE to, they should be following you because the WANT to. Remember, you're not raising kids, you are raising adults.
Today Joe Barlow shares with us the keys he and his wife have used to maintain fruitful, open-heart relationships with all 7 of their kids, their kids' spouses, and their grandkids.
A song with no rest cannot be sung. Even our all-powerful God chose rest on the 7th day so it most certainly a good idea for us to do the same. Rest is not just a good idea, it's a commandment. Rest is an invitation to experience a heavenly kind of peace that we feel not just in our body but in our souls (mind, will, & emotions). When we rest, we develop healthy practices that will allow us to both reach our destiny AND maintain it.
Today Danny Hochstatter invites us to understand the true value of soul rest in Jesus Christ.
The sense of meaning you feel in your life is derived from seeing forward motion toward a meaningful goal or purpose. So the first question is... what is your purpose? How do you know what your purpose is? Does it have to be specific or can it be more general? The Apostle Paul says it like this in Philippians 3:14 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Natalie Hochstatter helps us define what that goal is and how to make practical steps in that direction.
You can hear the voice of God. We are all familiar with temptation and attacks on our thoughts, which means that we can all hear from the enemy. The good news is that God designed you not just to hear the voice of the enemy, you are also built to hear the Father's voice. This is a skill that we can all develop and the benefits can quite literally change your life.
Join Pastor Joe Barlow in this incredible invitation to experience God in a whole new way, the way He always intended.
We all like to sit in the stands and watch other Christian leaders play the game of "church" for us but God does not want only a few of his kids to be a part of the family business. He wants every single one of us to be involved in advancing His Kingdom. Are you just sitting in the bleachers or are you ready to suit up and get out there on the field?
On the field is where we see if what we learned actually works. It's where we test and prove the ideas we have about what is right and what is wrong. One of the only ways we can test God's word (both scriptural and prophetic) is to try it out for ourselves. So what are you waiting for? If you believe it's true, then do it! This is your invitation to actually experience ALL of God's promises and begin to life and life more abundantly.
Danny Hochstatter calls us all to act upon our faith in this inspiring and challenging message.
Why would we need to forgive God? He is good and he is perfect. If he is blameless and without fault, then why would we need to forgive Him? The truth is that we don't always agree with what God does. Maybe we don't like "how" God did something. Mostly, we get offended by what God doesn't do. Even though God was acting according to His good and perfect will and He is actually working all things together for your good, we can still become offended that God didn't behave like we expected Him to.
When we get offended, we pull away, we guard ourselves, and we create a barrier (or a fence) between us and God. If you're honest with yourself, I'd be willing to bet that there a few things that God has or hasn't done that have caused you pain or anger. We need to forgive God because as long as we hold that pain against God, we will never truly be able to have an authentic, open-hearted relationship with Him.
Today Natalie Hochstatter guides us through forgiving God of our offenses and restoring a truly intimate relationship with our good and loving father.
God has given us abundant gifts that most of us don't even know about. As a son or daughter of God you are well-equipped for ministry as well as all of life's challenges.
Join us as John King delivers this powerful and encouraging message.
Heaven is a place full of wealth. I believe that one of the signs that we are living our lives in alignment with Heaven, wealth will be created as a natural consequence. Today Senior Leader Danny Hochstatter takes a narrative approach to the heart journey that is meant to accompany the practical steps that lead to generating and maintaining wealth. By the end of this message, you will know exactly where you are on the journey as well as what step you need to take next.
The Six Cities are as follows:
The Badlands of Poverty: The land outside of wealth, full of victims and sluggards.
1: Work - You have a God-given ability to make wealth. Use it.
2: Increase - Earn more than you spend.
3: Freedom - Free yourself from your lenders.
4: Storehouse - Prepare for both calamity and opportunity.
5: Multiplication - Plant seeds that grow on their own.
6: Legacy - Influence cities, build Kingdoms, and leave a legacy.
Wendy Norman | 5MF on 7-3-22
Annie Moore | 5MF on 7-3-22
Bernard Williams | 5MF on 7-3-22
What happens when we apply Ephesians 4 to the body of Christ, when we see the Apostles, Prophets, Shepherds, Teachers, and Evangelists equipped and activated, what does the church look like?
The answer? It looks like Jesus. It looks a group of people that carry the fullness of who He is and we perform the same works of ministry that Jesus performed during His time on earth (maybe even greater things). Join us as Schlyce paints this beautiful picture for us.
There are giants living in your Promiseland. God has already prepared it for you and it is good. The question is, do you have the courage to stand up and face the giants that are living there now? When we are in the wilderness, it can be tempting to go back to slavery, back into bondage, but God desires that we press through the challenge so that we may permanently reside in the land of God's blessing. What if the thing you are afraid of is actually designed to bless you? What if the thing you are afraid to confront is actually meant to strengthen and nourish you?
Don't stay in the wilderness and don't go back to Egypt. Fight for your promises. Kill the giants... and eat them.
- Danny Hochstatter
God knew you in eternity before you were born. Better yet, he has already given you a destiny, one where you are perpetually transformed to look more and more like Jesus (Rom 8:29). You can never dethrone Him or replace Him, but it is actually your destiny to look a lot like Him. God loves you more than you know.
The Fivefold Prophets have a unique grace to hear and see God clearly. Their job is to connect the phone line from Jesus to His children. Most people don't want to hear about God nearly as much as they want to hear from God. Prophets eagerly seek to hear their Father's voice, not just for themselves, but for others. When the church is properly operating in the prophetic gift, the Word comes to life, the people feel seen and known, and God begins to move in powerful ways.
Natalie Hochstatter tells us about her prophetic journey today along with essential keys that she learned along the way.
There is more than one way to Evangelize but one thing that every style has in common is that they all demand that you open your mouth and talk to unbelievers. You don't have to be the smartest, or the most charming, or the coolest, you just need to have a little bit of courage and then open your mouth. God wants us to preach the gospel to the whole world and we've still got a long way to go. The job is not done so it's time to step up and spread the good news!
Phil Buck brings an incredibly inspiring word today to discuss the absolute necessity of the Evangelistic gift and function within the church.
When you look at the Fivefold Graces, our Spiritual Gifts, our personalities, opinions, and currently held beliefs, it's clear to see that we are all so so incredibly different. However, different as we are, we are all united into a single family, a single cause, under a single savior. It is good and right that we celebrate and honor our differences but it is also CRITICAL that we never forget the things that unite us, the common ground that we all share. Ephesians 4:3 says to "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." If it were easy, it wouldn't take effort.
Today Danny Hochstatter talks about unity amongst believers and how to deal with those with whom we disagree.
Teachers develop wisdom and understanding in the body of Christ. They are dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of God and His Word, living out those principles, and sharing them with the rest of the body. Teachers are investigators, explorers, practicians, and gold-miners.
Teachers find diamonds where others see dirt. They dig until they discover the hidden treasures within each scripture. They are the “Appraisers of Truth” in the world. They not only seek the answers for themselves, but they then puzzle out how best to translate their findings to each individual.
Danny Hochstatter explores this Teaching Grace with us today.
Shepherds care for their sheep. They comfort, protect, guide, and feed. They bring people together and they reduce the inevitable friction that arises as different kinds of people all share space under one roof. Shepherds carry a Christlike love for people that is powerful and personal. But shepherds alone cannot run a church, nor fulfill Jesus' calling for the church.
Joe & Andrew Barlow talk today about how to build these healthy communities.
Motherhood is hard but there are opportunities for great joy amidst the challenges. Susan Barrow describes some truly unique and wildly entertaining ways to offset the pains and difficulties of raising kids. Parenting should be done from the overflow of joy in your heart. Let's learn how together.
"Surrender is a prerequisite for thriving." Katie Tabisz, mother of 3 with a Masters Degree in Social Work, brings to us a message about the necessary surrender that comes with Motherhood. She also gives us practical steps to become Positioned, Purposed, Present, and Peaceful.
Did you know that you have the ability to hear God's voice? God is always speaking even when we are not listening. God has been speaking since the beginning of time and He strongly desires that we would hear Him. After all, how can you have a strong relationship with someone that you never talk to? Learn about the foundations of the prophetic and hearing the voice of God in this message by Natalie Hochstatter.
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Apostles are "sent ones" tasked with building and organizing heavenly systems and structures. They carry forward the same work Jesus began by getting heavenly instructions and assignments that rally and activate other believers towards a specific goal or mission. As Envoys, they also carry with them the power, authority and full legal permission to demonstrate both Christ and his Kingdom to the world.
Today Danny Hochstatter lays out an understanding of Apostolic grace and how they serve the body of Christ.
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Jesus changed everything. Interestingly enough, the people that got wrecked the most by the Gospel were the "Good People," the self-righteous, the religious superstars, and the most "perfect" people. Paul was the president of the Do-It-Yourself club, the most perfect religious example according to the law, but after meeting Jesus, he regarded his spotless history, his trophies, his accolades, and called them garbage. Turns out the Gospel is much better than anything Paul had experienced before Jesus. Today Schlyce draws our attention to this profound reality of the Gospel.
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The path of Spiritual Maturity is much like normal growth. We begin as Spiritual Newborns the day that we are saved. From there we move to Spiritual Toddlers, eventually Spiritual Teens, then Spiritual Adults, then into Spiritual Mothers and Fathers, then into Spiritual Grandmothers and Grandfathers. We know we are a Spiritual Mother or Father when we are capable of the reproduction of our faith. Not just sharing the Gospel, but guiding other Spiritual Newborns and helping them grow into Spiritual Adults, no matter where they are on their own journey. We need Mothers and Fathers in our lives, but we must also recognize that Spiritual Parenthood is our goal as believers within the body of Christ. Expert Father Joseph Barlow unpacks this for us today.
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Ephesians 4 7-16 tells us that Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Shepherds, and Evangelists all carry a portion of the grace that Jesus Christ has given to His church. Therefore, the only way we can experience the fullness of Jesus Christ here on earth is when a church honors and expresses these five different colors of grace, woven together into a "many-colored tapestry of grace (1 Peter 4:10 TPT)."
“…there has never been a Jesus movement with long-term societal impact that did not have the fivefold fully operative in it’s organization and among it’s members… [The Fivefold] is demonstrably evident in movements that change the world.” - 5Q by Alan Hirsch Pg. 15
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You have been made in the image of God. You can think His thoughts, feel His feelings, and act like He acts. The believer's challenge is learning how to agree with this reality and to be transformed more and more into His image.
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Joy is a choice, not a feeling. Joy depends 0% on what's happening outside of us and it depends 100% on what is happening INSIDE of us. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit so as we become more in tune with the Holy Spirit, Joy becomes a natural byproduct of His presence within us. Join us as Danny Hochstatter brings the JOY this Sunday!
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Peace is not circumstantial. It is a reality that is made available to believers through the Holy Spirit. So how can we access God's peace when we are tossed about by the storms of life? Craig Miller unpacks this topic for us today.
Life is tough. No way around it. But what if the trials of this life is where we are shaped and molded into the thing God has always desired us to be? What if there is hope to be found in our suffering because God is in the fire with us. Danny Hochstatter expands this idea for us today.
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"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." - James 5:16. How do we move from obligatory, weak prayers to the kind of relational, passionate, and effective prayer that God calls us to? Prayer is communication but prayer also carries with it the power of creation as we speak God's Word into the earth. Join us Wendy Norman expands our understanding of prayer.
If we are to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31), then the way that we love ourselves is somehow connected to the way that we love others. The question then becomes simple. Do you love yourself? What's the difference between self-love and self-indulgence (or self-delusion). Join Natalie Hochstatter as she explores this topic with us.
Enjoy this very unique love story and enjoy the life lessons learned along the way.
When someone or something is fighting for your attention, do you turn toward, do you turn away, or do you turn against? This concept applies to much of our life so it's a good thing to understand and recognize. Ben Wenzel unpacks this incredible tool for us here.
True friendship means communicating. It means being honest with yourself. It means offering grace and bringing your best to the table. Annie Moore tells us a beautiful story of this in action.
Jesus healed on the Sabbath. He broke the law in order to heal a man. Why? Because He didn't come to abolish the law, He came to fulfill it. So what's the difference between "following" the law and "fulfilling" it? Join Danny Hochstatter on this deep dive into scripture.
Connect with us at www.familylife.cc
We are world changers! One of the ways we bring Heaven to earth is through our service. Jesus washed feet as a humble act of service, which was an example to us all. We also know that Christ talked about money more than faith and prayer combined! Your money matters to God. Not only is "wealth-building" very closely aligned with "character-building," but money leads to influence in the natural. Simply put, money is one of the ways we bring Heaven to earth.
Joe Cirafici has walked this journey and he is now walking in deep revelations of the scriptures in his daily life. Join us as we unpack this togehter.
Connect with us at www.familylife.cc
As we allow Jesus to lead us and to renew our minds, He transforms us into a new creation that is a reflection of Himself. That process of transformation can be painful but it is necessary if we are to fulfill our highest calling in Christ. Relationships are also a tool used for that same process of transformation. They are messy, even the healthy ones, but in order to maintain powerful, free, loving relationships, we must be transformed.
Join us as our beloved friend and foundation voice within our church discuss this process with us.
Connect with us at www.familylife.cc
Connect with Nathan Blouse at www.inthesafeplace.com
Our identity is understood in 2 parts.
1. You are one with Christ and he is one with you.
2. You are uniquely equipped, designed perfectly for a purpose that was hand-selected for you.
Let's unpack this understanding of Identity as Danny Hochstatter interviews Schlyce Jimenez.
At Family Life, we focus on 3 main components of Living a Supernatural life:
1. Receive Revelation from the Scriptures: Knowing the Bible is how we get to know the Author and it’s how we develop confidence in the supernatural. The Author is the one who helps us fulfill our highest calling in Christ.
2. Encounter the Presence of God: Encounters with Christ is how we develop intimacy with Him and practically benefit from who He is. We can’t reach our highest calling without Him, so as we operate in oneness with Him and carry Him with us, we will fulfill our highest calling in Christ.
3. Flow in the Gifts of the Spirit: Practicing surrender and humbly pursuing the mystery and power of God will help us grow and make our ministry more effective. If you can do it in the natural, it’s not your highest calling in Christ.
As we live naturally supernatural, we will fulfill our highest calling in Christ.
Danny Hochstatter brings a strange but eye-opening message about parasites. Parasites are gross. They live inside of another living thing, they manipulate the hosts behavior, they consume it from the inside, and grow at the expense of the host. This is what sin does. It gets in, it consumes your mental and emotional health, it consumes your dignity, and it manipulates your behavior to do what is best for itself, even if it leads you to your own death. Learn how to remove this parasite and regain control of your life!
Connect with us at www.FamilyLife.cc
Christ is the ultimate gift and Christians are the ultimate Re-Gifters! We are blessed to be a blessing so that we may be blessed to bless again to be blessed again to bless again and on and on and on. Come take a spin on the unending cycle of blessing called Jesus Christ. www.FamilyLife.cc
Taught 12-12-21 by Danny Hochstatter
When you are stuck in Pride, the only way out is through humility or humiliation. The first is voluntary, the second is not.
Humility is also a prerequisite for Honor (Pro 18:12), it is a prerequisite for Wisdom (Pro 11:2), for Grace/Favor (James 4:6), for Victory (Psalm 149:4), for Promotion (Matthew 23:11-12), and much more!
And don't forget that if Christ, the only perfect man, could humble himself, then you can too.
Connect with us at www.FamilyLife.cc or on social media @familylifecc
Family Life Christian Center
Annie Moore
Becki Bustin
Kenny Hass
Family Life Christian Center
11/28/21 8:30am Service
Schlyce Jimenez
Family Life Christian Center
11/21/21 9am Service
Danny Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
11/14/21 9am Service
Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
11/7/21 9am Service
Natalie Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
10/31/21 9am Service
Schlyce Jimenez
Family Life Christian Center
10/24/21 9am Service
Danny Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
10/17/21 9am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow & Pastor Danny Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
10/10/21 9am & 11am Service
Chuck Parry
Family Life Christian Center
10/3/21 9am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
9/26/21 9am Service
John King
Family Life Christian Center
9/19/21 9am Service
Danny Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
9/12/21 10am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
9/5/21 10am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
8/29/21 10am Service
Danny Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
8/22/21 9am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
8/15/21 9am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
8/8/21 9 am services
Natalie Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
8/1/21 11 am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
7/25/21 9 am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
7/18/21 9 am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
7/11/21 9 am Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
6/28/21 9 AM Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
6/20/21 9AM Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
John King
Danny Hochstatter
Family Life Christian Center
6/13/21 9AM
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
6/6/21 11AM
Kristine Aikenhead
Danny Hochstatter
Wendy Norman
Family Life Christian Center
5/30/21 9am
Pastor Joe Barlow
Sunday 5/23/21 9 AM Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
Sunday 5/16/21 9 AM Service
Pastor Joe Barlow
Family Life Christian Center
Schlyce is back!! Her teaching on abiding in the vine was powerful. She talked about BEING vs. DOING in our Christian walk. "We only get credit in Heaven for what we let God do through us here." schlyce.com
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