This person died 2012 at age 82. He was among the most recognizable faces in the world. He built an entertainment empire, which expanded into game shows, awards shows, comedy specials, talk shows, children’s programming, reality programming, and movies. His signature show had remarkable longevity and became a cultural touchstone for the baby-boomer generation. He was the perpetually youthful-looking television host of “American Bandstand” and “New Year’s Rockin’ Eve”. Today’s dead celebrity is Dick Clark.
Famous & Gravy is created and co-hosted by Amit Kapoor and Michael Osborne. This episode was produced by Jacob Weiss. Visit our website at and also enjoy our free mobile quiz game at
If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like Episode 16 “Quintessential Quizmaster” (Alex Trebek) and Episode 10 “Countdown King” (Casey Kasem)
New Year’s Rockin’ Eve December 31, 1999 (millennium)
New Year’s Rockin’ Eve December 31, 2001 (post 9/11)
Dick Clark interviews Prince on American Bandstand
David Spade as Dick Clark’s receptionist on SNL
From Rock to Disco to Hip Hop with Dick Clark article from Slate
“Dick Clark: Eternally Light” article from The New Yorker
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