The world loves Black culture, but not Black people, a statement that I feel is ringing true now more than ever.
Hey, y’all, it’s Marley (the editor). I often speak about K-Pop and the frustrations of witnessing and constantly having to battle cultural appropriation, so I figured at the Rooted Us Unconference in NYC this year, why not have the conversation again?
I hope that this overview paired with my thoughts and tips on how to combat such a subtle kind of racism/microaggression are helpful in getting you thinking about the topic, or taking a deeper dive, because there is no such thing as “enough work” being done around it.
“I’m working on a presentation and would like to speak with adults and children who have experienced domestic violence and are now using Self-directed education and/or conscious parenting. Interested parties can email me at [email protected] (no “m”). They can remain anonymous.”
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