What's on the other side of a pause? Last season, we leaned into a focused pause, over and over, episode by episode. We also took that pause with us when the episode ended, and now we are ready to slow-walk our way into what arose for us, and for you.
Listen as Naazneen (also known as Fatima) Mookadam and Akilah S. Richards speak to some of the themes we'll be sharing this season. You'll hear the voices of all five women who are centered in season 9. Here they are in the order you heard them in this episode:
And here are the some of the topics we touched in this episode, and will explore all season long:
Stay tuned. More soon!
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The Raising Free People Practice Card Deck
Peek at the details of Personal Manifesto Path (will be available exclusively through our make-it-happen family on Patreon)
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