This is a supporting resource for adults to go through the rationale, the benefits, the urgency, and the solutions inside of, a life that gives a child the room to own their educational journey, and to understand themselves as lifelong learners, and not merely temporary students who need to impress adults in order to feel validated and purposeful.
In How to Focus on Learning (also called HFL the Webinar) you’ll learn 10 key terms that will put on you on path for discovery and deschooling around how to support a self-directed learner. We'll start with defining and giving examples of Self-Directed Education, and then branch out into the ten terms that will bring context, discussion, and smarter questions about transitioning from coercive education to liberated learning.
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The Raising Free People Practice Card Deck
Peek at the details of Personal Manifesto Path (will be available exclusively through our make-it-happen family on Patreon)
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