Fashion Designers Get Paid: Build Your Fashion Career On Your Own Terms
Designing and starting a fashion line is exhilarating and inspiring and something most of us want to jump right into. Starting a fashion line that sells is something completely different--but it’s something you can do.
Robyn and I are BACK with a podlet that sums up six easy steps to starting a fashion line that sells. The Successful Fashion Designer podcast has been going for 75(!) episodes, and after interviewing as many talented, business-savvy fashion designers as I have, Robyn and I noticed that many of them had similar advice when it came to designing a fashion line that sells.
We went back through and extracted the golden advice nuggets from their episodes and distilled it down for you here--it’s great advice for everyone that wants to start a fashion line the right way.
In the interview (which you’ll love) we cover:Episodes Referenced:
Sick of being tied to a desk and want more freedom in your day, snag my free training: How to Freelance in Fashion (even if you're terrified you don't have all the answers) by clicking here.