In this part one of a two-part episode, retired agent Ed Mireles reviews the April 11, 1986, fatal FBI Miami shootout where, during the pursuit of two extremely dangerous criminals, two special agents were killed, and several others, including Ed Mireles, were wounded. Although severely injured, Ed Mireles fired his shotgun one handed to prevent the suspects from escaping, then charged the suspects, fatally wounding both. His heroic actions prevented further injury to his fellow agents and innocent citizens.
Ed has received numerous awards and commendations honoring him for his heroism and bravery that day. After retiring from the Bureau, Ed Mireles, a former Marine, worked as a defense contractor in Iraq as a law enforcement professional and adviser to the Iraqi Police, including one year embedded (in uniform) with the Marines. He also worked with the U.S. Department of State in helping to train police in Mexico and Belize. He is the author of FBI Miami Firefight: Five Minutes that Changed the Bureau, his story of survival and the fight to save the lives of his brother agents on that fateful day.
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