Retired agent Katherine Schweit reviews three school shootings, Columbine H.S., Virginia Tech University, and Sandy Hook Elementary, which she studied extensively for the FBI’s initial research project she authored. The report, A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013, focused both on research and operational needs. During the episode, also explains the “Run. Hide. Fight." safety campaign. Katherine Schweit served in the FBI for twenty years. Her last assignment was as a senior executive, guiding the formation of the FBI’s active shooter initiative. She is the author of
Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis, and the host of the
Stop the Killing Podcast. FBI (VIDEO) -
Run. Hide. Fight. Check out episode show notes, photos, and related articles. Buy me a coffee - Join my Reader Team to get the FBI Reading Resource - Books about the FBI, written by FBI agents, the 20 clichés about the FBI Reality Checklist, and keep up to date on the FBI in books, TV, and movies via my monthly email.
Join here. Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent, author and podcaster, attempts to relive her glory days by debunking FBI cliches. Visit her website to check out her books, available as audiobooks, ebooks and paperbacks wherever books are sold.