Special Agent Brian O'Hare, President of the FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) announces that retired agent Jerri Williams (that's me) will be recognized as the FBIAA G-Man Honors - Distinguished Service Honoree for her/my continued support of the FBI Family through her/my podcast and books at the “G-Man Honors: A Salute to Heroes” banquet to be held on November 18, 2021, in Washington, DC.
This is one of the best "because of my podcast" stories ever!
Visit https://www.fbiaa.org/ways-to-donate to learn more about the FBIAA and "ways you can donate."
Check out the show notes for this special announcement. https://jerriwilliams.com/fbiaa-distinguished-service-honoree-award-announcement/ Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent, author and podcaster, attempts to relive her glory days by writing and blogging about the FBI and hosting FBI Retired Case File Review, a true crime/history podcast. Visit her website to check out her books, available as audiobooks, ebooks and paperbacks wherever books are sold. https://jerriwilliams.com/books/ Join my Reader Team to get the FBI Reading Resource - Books about the FBI, written by FBI agents, the 20 clichés about the FBI Reality Checklist, and keep up to date on the FBI in books, TV, and movies via my monthly email. Join here. http://eepurl.com/dzCCmL