Federation Front Line Report – Eve Online Podcast
Today we are joined by Joebane Maetheon, CEO of Average Pilots [AVPPC]. Joebane has taken off the crown of Emperor for the Guldan Age Empire and has gone back to pirating in the Black Rise area. We talk to Joe about what he liked and didn't like about Faction Warfare and what it would take to bring him back to Faction Warfare. We also do an after action report on our Wednesday night fleet and go over the battle Samson had with a Draugur: https://zkillboard.com/kill/97223198/
Average Pilots Killboard: https://zkillboard.com/corporation/98572627/
Guldan Age Stories Website: https://theageofstories.com/
YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/wAkYFuUBLe4
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/guldanagestories