Female Entrepreneur Musician with Bree Noble
Although our band had potential, we had no idea how to promote ourselves as artists and so this story is important for me to share with you. Musicians can begin to feel confused or hopeless when they are talented and motivated but aren’t seeing success. This is the story that inspired me to create the Musician’s Profit Path, a course where musicians can learn about the 5 Stages of Music Career Growth, how to recognize which stage their in and when to move on to the next stage.
The moral of the story is that without a band marketing plan, your momentum can be strictly limited. I created the Musician’s Profit Path to help musicians navigate their way through the 5 Stages of Music Career Growth. In this course, you will learn what stage you are in, what you should be doing to maintain your momentum and what you need to focus on to move up to the next level. Head over to musiciansprofitpath.com for more information and to sign up for the next course.