Based on true events, the new Netflix series Unbelievable begins with a teenager named Marie Adler in Washington state reporting a rape to the police. The police launch their investigation, but soon, because of Marie’s erratic behavior and an almost complete absence of forensic evidence, they begin to suspect that she made up the attack in a desperate bid for attention. They pressure her to retract her story, and to “confess” that she made the whole thing up. A few years later, detectives in Colorado launch an investigation into a serial rapist whose crimes bear a remarkable similarity to Marie’s rape. Unbelievable looks closely at major structural and systemic flaws in law enforcement that stack the cards against women who experience sexual assault and that often make dealing with police an experience that compounds the trauma they’ve already suffered.
Time Stamps:
03:05 - Entertainment News: Joker
05:58 - Main Segment: Unbelievable
39:41 - What’s Your FREQ Outs: Neo Cab, Apple Arcade, five hundred thousand different podcasts
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