In today's episode, I'm sharing my top 10 tips for writing better, more compelling love triangles. Here's a preview of what's included:
[01:30] A love triangle is a relationship that takes place between three or more characters. Character A has to choose between character B and character C.
[01:50] Three examples of popular love triangles from Pride and Prejudice, Twilight, and The Hunger Games.
[02:15] Tip #1: Fully develop all three characters involved in the love triangle.
[03:10] Tip #2: Make both suitors a believable and viable choice for the protagonist.
[04:15] Tip #3: Don’t drag out your protagonist's decision or go back and forth between the suitors too much.
[05:10] Tip #4: Have your protagonist actively choose one of the suitors to be with.
[06:05] Tip #5: Give insight into who your protagonist is with the choice they make.
[07:15] Tip #6: Don't feel like both relationships don’t have to start at the same time as the only way to achieve tension in your story.
[08:35] Tip #7: Establish what’s at stake for your protagonist if they choose one suitor over the other.
[09:40] Tip #8: Don’t neglect the rest of the story for the sake of your love triangle.
[10:55] Tip #9: Have a solid reason for including a love triangle in your story.
[11:40] Tip #10: Explore both internal and external conflict with your love triangle.
[12:50] Key points and a quick recap of the episode.
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