In today's episode, I'm going to walk you through how to plan out your writing projects for the new year. Here's a preview of what's included:
[01:25] Creating a strategic plan is something most writers don't think about doing but it’s the kind of thing that can actually help you achieve the big goals you have like writing a novel, or submitting a short story to publishers, or whatever it is that you're hoping to do.
[02:55] Step #1: Review the last 12 months so that you can make a realistic plan for the future. What worked? What didn't work?
[05:40] Step #2: Brainstorm all the big things you want to do and then choose the 3-5 main projects you want to focus on.
[08:00] Step #3: Consider your non-negotiables. What do you need to make time for? What do you never want to do again?
[09:50] Step #4: Start mapping out how you're going to accomplish your 3-5 main goals. What are the steps? How can you break this down so that it's a more specific, actionable goal?
[14:25] Step #5: Get everything on your calendar and then do a gut check. Does your plan feel overwhelming? Or exciting?
[18:30] Key points and episode recap.
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