In today's episode, I'm going to walk you through 10 common reasons why manuscripts are rejected by publishers. Here's a preview of what's included:
[02:05] After a rejection, you don't have to wait before making your next move. You can get to work right away and figure out what’s wrong with your draft so that you can fix it and resubmit your story.
[02:25] Reason #1: The category or genre isn’t the right fit for the agent or the publisher. Usually, this means the author didn't do their research.
[03:40] Reason #2: The submission materials are full of bad mechanics (aka poor grammar and spelling) and lackluster writing.
[05:15] Reason #3: The author doesn’t know who their target audience is or, even worse, they say their story is for everyone.
[07:15] Reason #4: The story world isn’t pulling its weight, or it doesn't feel organic.
[08:300] Reason #5: The high-level story summaries are weak or all over the place.
[10:15] Reason #6: The characters aren't unique or interesting. They don't pull readers in and get them invested in the story.
[11:30] Reason #7: The author lacks a strong voice.
[12:25] Reason #8: The plot of the story is predictable or cliche. Usually, this is because your characters are flat or predictable.
[14:20] Reason #9: The theme of the story is overbearing and it reads like a lecture.
[15:40] Reason #10: The story fails to deliver a powerdul emotional experience to readers.
[17:30] Key points and episode recap.
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