In today's episode, I'm going to give you three reasons why you should write your draft in scenes instead of chapters. Here's a preview of what we'll cover:
[01:20] The difference between scenes and chapters and how they each play a different role in your story's pacing.
[02:45] 3 reasons why you should write in scenes instead of chapters:
[02:55] Reason #1: It's easier to plan out your first draft because you can break down your total target word count into a target number of scenes that's appropriate for your story's genre.
[05:00] Reason #2: It's easier to write a stronger more cohesive first draft because you'll be more focused on writing well-structured versus spinning your wheels over the perfect chapter beginning.
[07:30] Reason #3: It's easier to edit your draft because when you look at each scene in isolation, you're more likely to spot things that don't belong in your story.
[09:15] The best time to worry about chapter breaks is when you are confident that you have a first draft that works.
[09:25] Key points and a recap of the episode.
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