This video is part of a series on the Sea of Galilee but we are taking a detour to talk about another "triangle number" found in the book of Acts.
For more on triangle numbers - like 153 fish in John 21 - see Sea of Galilee part 8 and 9:
part 8:
part 9:
Why does Luke include the number of crew members (276) aboard the ship that he and Paul are traveling on to Rome?
The number 276 happens to be a triangle number (the triangle of 23). Additionally, there is a Hebrew phrase in Jeremiah 23 that adds up to 276. The phrase is unique and speaks to the hope that we can place in God's promise of deliverance.
Join us for a deep dive into Luke's use of this number.
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Class handout:
5:36 Acts 27:37
8:52 Preview
11:20 Hope and the dynamics of Hoping
21:35 Righteousness
22:31 Isaiah 56:1
24:48 Hope in God's Righteousness
26:10 Acts 27
27:00 All Hope is Lost - Acts 27:20
28:20 Acts 27:22-25
31:32 276 - the Lord is our Righteousness
34:20 Jeremiah 23:5-6
40:07 Acts 28:20 the Hope of Israel
41:22 Anchor Cross at Sardis (Revelation 3:1)