An Audio-Only Commentary on the 1988 TV Series Freddy's Nightmares by John Doe.
A high school track star, haunted by the recent death of her Olympic-medalist mother, is given her mother's magic crystal amulet, which brings to life her secret ambitions and extracts vengeance upon those who cause her pain.
Freddy's Nightmares - Killer Instinct S1.E3 FIRST TIME WATCHING - TV Fanatic Commentary
Freddy's Nightmares - Killer Instinct (1988) S1.E3 - TV Fanatic Commentary ( - Video(Clips) Commentary version available on Rumble - DAILYMOTION Episode Link
#robertenglund #freddy #elmstreet #oldschool #classic #commentary #mickgarris #bobshaye
19/02/2024 Commentary recording date