Vi är tillbaka med ett avsnitt om Summer Movie Wager 2023! Som ni alla vet handlar sommaren om att tävla i att gissa hur många amerikaner som kommer stänga in sig i en mörk sal i ett par timmar för att kolla på film när solen ligger på. Det är också det vi försöker göra i detta avsnitt. Vi tittar i spåkulan och försöker killgissa om det är Barbie, Transformers eller kanske Harrison Ford som drar vinstlotten i sommar? Vi får även svaret på vem av oss som gick segrande ur Summer Movie Wager 2022, endast ett och ett halvt år senare...
Om du är totalt ointresserad av tävlingen kan du se avsnittet som en ursäkt för oss att prata om vilka filmer som kommer ut i sommar och vad vi tror om dem.
Mycket nöje!
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Mer om Summer Movie Wager:
The Summer Movie Wager is a game, which is played during the summer period of a single year. The general goal of this game is to predict the highest grossing films of the summer in terms of domestic box office. With domestic box office we mean the gross returns a movie made in the USA and Canada.
In each year a specific time period will be specified, which will define the "summer" period of that year in regard to this game. Usually such time period will start in May and ends on the labor day weekend (in the USA). For the year 2023 this time period will be: 05/04/2023 - 09/04/2023.
This time period determines what movies are considered to be released in the summer of that year. A movie is only eligible to be part of this game in case its first domestic theatrical release is inside that time period. In addition, to keep the list of eligible movies manageable, we as hosts will exclude certain movies, which do not get a wide release.
The domestic gross returns (Box Office) of an eligible movie is then only counted starting from that date on and ending on the last day (inclusive) of that time period. So even in case a movie makes additional box office after the specified time period, such box office does not count in regard to this game. After all such box office for each eligible movie is counted, a Top 10 of the highest grossing movies is created in a descending order from #1 to #10 with #1 being the highest grossing movie of the summer.
Before the time period starts, each player will create a list by picking 10 eligible movies and ordering them from #1 to #10. The composition and order of these picks should at best reflect the Top 10 of the highest grossing movies at the end of the time period. Additionally he will pick 3 more eligible movies as so called dark horses. The dark horses dont have an order. These dark horses should be movies the player thinks might also be part of the Top 10, as he of course cannot be sure that his first ten picks are the correct ones. For these 13 picks a player may only select each eligible movie at most once. Each player must create and submit his list before the start of the specified time period. Usually a deadline for such submissions will be specified.
After the end of the time period each list is given a score by comparing it to the correct Top 10.