Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union
Final Fantasy X-3 is the topic of discussion this episode, as it's been something we've wanted to delve into for a while. It's been mentioned here and there, but we figured it was about time to actually go through some theories for some interesting story lines that could exist should Final Fantasy X-3 ever be created by the guys at Square Enix.
To start off, Lauren takes the mic and takes us through a scenario where Final Fantasy X-3 acts as a prequel focussed on Braska, Auron and Jecht. This is then followed by Darryl's scenario, where Final Fantasy X-3 acts as a sequel focussed on Rikku, Paine and the Al Bhed.
Of course, we also have some news! It's a little shorter than normal, but we still have a chance to tackle Mooglegate, the ramp up for Dissidia Arcade in Japan and the revealing of Cloud Strife in Super Smash Bros.! We've also got some fan questions on these topics too, so we hope you enjoy our responses!