Kingdom Heart Union is back again for another show about this wonderful franchise! This particular show has been fraught with difficulty due to technology issues, but we still have a show for you! Branden is joined by Churro and Brian and they jump straight in for this super long show. FIrst up is the news. This time around there are updates about the Kingdom Hearts browser game and it's weird name. Also, there is a lot of great news regarding KH 1.5 remix including release dates and pre-order information! Don't miss it! Next up is the Burning Question. The group goes through your answers to the previous question which was "Should KH continue after the Xehanort Saga?" There are a lot of great discussions from the answers you guys provide! As always, get your answers in for the next BQ which is "How would you use the PS4 touchpad to improve a future KH game?" The trio then moves directly into your questions and we have some great ones this week. The guys discuss answers to questions like should there be a game were you play as the heartless, how do they feel about the 358/2 cutscenes in KH1.5 remix, and should Rikku get his own love interest in the series? You'll definitely want to hear what the guys have to say! They wrap the show up with a wonderful remix of the song 'Another Side' so make sure you stick it out to the end! The next show will be here in a few weeks and we'll see you then!