Dr. Reedy welcomes inner-child coach, Tiffany McKelvy. Tiffany helps the all-grown-up-but-still-very-lost children of toxic family systems find their way home to their most embodied, authentic selves. Through connecting with and reparenting their inner child, these individuals have the opportunity to disrupt the trauma loops that keep parts of us trapped, afraid, and disconnected from the whole of our beings. By engaging in this work, Tiffany’s clients are able to pull themselves out from beneath the weight of the projections, judgments, and expectations of their childhood caregivers and redefine their relationships with pleasure, play, creativity, and identity. As Ram Dass wisely shared, “we’re all just walking each other home,” — and this particular walk is monumental and not unfamiliar for Tiffany. While she cannot finish this journey for you, she hopes that you’ll let her hold the lantern and bring light to the shadowy spaces while you go it together for a while.