Hello friends, welcome back to the twelfth episode of ✨ Finding your Casual Magic ✨ (Happy New Year!!!)
Learn with Lingoda: 10% off + 45 free classes with code NEWYEARMAGIC: https://try.lingoda.com/NewYearMagic [ad] (all thoughts are my own and I GENUINELY can't recommend Lingoda enough!!) Have you ever caught yourself saying, oh, I'll be happy when I have the perfect partner and I'm no longer single? When I finally quit the job and I'm in my dream career, when I go on my dream holiday, or when climate change is solved and no one's suffering in the world anymore? When have you reached a goal but felt unfulfilled shortly after? Have you ever caught yourself thinking that when you cross that finish line everything will fall into place, only to realise that there's a new race ahead? I really hope today's episode re inspires you to realise that today is a gift. Your life is a gift, and your life is actually pretty amazing right now as it is. Today we're looking at something that I'm so passionate about. The illusion that our lives will feel better in the future after some vague outcome or life event, when the truth is you will carry the feelings that you have about yourself and your life now into whatever destination you're trying to get to. I'm going to walk you through a visualisation to help you really feel the deeper messages of today's episode and this idea of the arrival fallacy, which is when we think that upon achieving our goals, we'll finally attain all the happiness we desire, when in reality, a lot of the time the goalpost just changes. I'm also going to tell you about some of the happiest people that I've ever met and how generally the source of their happiness is being content with the now exactly as they are, with exactly everything that they have. The episode closes with my ‘Casual Magic of the Week’ and we hear from Marlene who shares their Casual Magic followed by intention setting for the week ahead. Timestamps: 00:00 - 01:30 Introduction: What is Casual Magic?
01:31 - 03:30 The Arrival Fallacy: Happiness Isn't a Destination
03:31 - 06:30 Guided Meditation: Finding Presence in the Now
06:31 - 08:30 Visualisation: The Mountain Climb and the Joy of the Journey
08:31 - 13:00 Learning to Appreciate the Trail: Jade's Personal Reflections
13:01 - 18:00 Finding Joy in Language Learning: Jade's German Journey
18:01 - 20:30 Lingoda and the Joy of Process-Oriented Learning
20:31 - 26:30 Overcoming the Arrival Fallacy: Academic Peaks and Personal Growth
26:31 - 31:30 The Psychology of Goal-Driven Happiness: Impact Bias and Hedonic Treadmill
31:31 - 35:00 Imposter Syndrome and Neglecting the Process
35:01 - 40:00 The Happiest People Jade Knows: Stories of Contentment and Gratitude
40:01 - 45:00 Daily Turning Points: Cultivating Casual Magic in Everyday Life
45:01 - 50:00 Reflections and Journal Prompts: Finding Gratitude in the Now
50:01 - 53:00 Jade’s Casual Magic of the Week
53:01 - 53:33 Listener's Casual Magic of the Week
53:37 - 55:51 Weekly Reflection and Intentions: Setting the Tone for the New Year If you’d like to be featured as the Casual Magic of the week: 💌 Notice a moment of casual magic in your week. What was something beautiful in your daily life? A special moment or reflection? 💌 DM us a ~60 second voice message or video to @casualmagicpodcast on instagram or email it to [email protected] — feel free to include any pictures of your casual magic if you have any!! 💌 Start the voicenote by introducing yourself and where you’re from!! 💌 Tell us in your DM / email if you want to be tagged if chosen. 💌 We’ll pick one a week to share in the podcast and on here so we can all participate in your joy!! CONTACT ME Business Enquiries: [email protected] Instagram - @unjadedjade TikTok: @unjadedjade Finding Your Casual Magic with UnJaded Jade Produced by The Podcast Guys Theme music by Francesca Lu For more Finding Your Casual Magic, go to @casualmagicpodcast on Instagram!!