One more for all the weirdos out there! This one ponders ideas relating to the existence and nature of traditional song arrangement and features tracks by all kinds of wonderful and fantastic oddballs such as FDN favourites DJackulate and Marlais, as well as Deviant and Naive Ted, Logan Bragg, Nathan Salsburg, JPH, Anna and Elizabeth, Cedric Dind-Lavoie and Jumpleads.
'The idea of a living tradition is that it stays active whilst relevant, present and does not become a museum piece. Within the world of folk music, it could be argued that the tradition itself is the act of passing on a song, not the preservation of a general aesthetic. It has far more to do with the individual approach than maintaining a homogeny. ' - Marlais 2016
DJackulate – Rocky’s Couch
Deviant and Naïve Ted – Send in the Hounds
Logan Bragg – Black Jack Davey
Jumpleads – Poor Old Horse
Jumpleads – This Day the Stag Must Die, Johnny Cope
Marlais – My Bonny Boy
Tom Ennis and John Gerrity – Miss Thornton / The Merry Blacksmith / The Bush in Bloom
Anna and Elizabeth – Margaret
Cedric Dind-Lavoie –Je viens là-bas du pâturage (avec la famille Brideau, 1977)
Nathan Salzberg - IV
JPH – A Holy Hour