This Episode looks at the ballad The False Knight Upon the Road, aka The False Knight, aka The Smart Schoolboy, aka The False False Fly, aka The Child Upon the Road aka False Fidee, aka Où Vas-tu, Mon P’tit Garcon?
Norman Kennedy – The False Knight Upon the Road
Bella Higgins and Andrew Stewart – The False Knight Upon the Road
The Bitter Withy – The False Knight Upon the Road
Barry Gleeson – The False False Fly
Frank Quinn – The False Knight Upon the Road
Tim Hart and Maddy Prior – The False Knight Upon the Road
Phillip Langridge – The False Knight Upon the Road
Mary Eppler – The Knightman
Edmund Henneberry –The False Knight Upon the Road
Helene Baillargeon and Alan Mills - Où Vas-Tu, Mon P'tit Garçon?
Amps For Christ –The False Knight Upon the Road
Fleet Foxes –The False Knight Upon the Road