October is national Cybersecurity Awareness Month here in the US. One of the four key themes this year is Recognizing and Reporting Phishing. We just discussed this at length with Nick Oles, but I wanted to give my perspective and tell you how to report phishing emails to the proper authorities.
In other news: cheap Android TV boxes come laced with malware and fraud software; 23andMe investigating massive data breach; US agencies caught using location data illegally; Meta proposes subscription plans in Europe for Facebook and Instagram; FBI warns of 'phantom hacker' scams targeting elderly; new Microsoft AI tool can simulate any voice with just 3 seconds of audio; attackers don't bother brute-forcing long passwords; free upgrade from Windows 7/8 to 10 is going away soon; FCC details plans to reinstate net neutrality; how to turn off Google's new Topics tracking system; new app from Consumer Reports to delete personal data; new privacy-respecting URL shortening tool from Panquake.
Article Links
[WIRED] Your Cheap Android TV Streaming Box May Have a Dangerous Backdoor https://www.wired.com/story/android-tv-streaming-boxes-china-backdoor/
[cyberscoop.com] DNA testing service 23andMe investigating theft of user data https://cyberscoop.com/23andme-user-data-theft/
[404media.co] ICE, CBP, Secret Service All Illegally Used Smartphone Location Data https://www.404media.co/ice-cbp-secret-service-all-broke-law-with-smartphone-location-data/
[9to5mac.com] Meta proposing ad-free Facebook and Instagram plans for up to $17/month https://9to5mac.com/2023/10/03/facebook-instagram-no-ads-plan/
[BleepingComputer] FBI warns of surge in 'phantom hacker' scams impacting elderly https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fbi-warns-of-surge-in-phantom-hacker-scams-impacting-elderly/
[futurism.com] New Microsoft AI Can Clone Your Voice From Three Seconds of Audio https://futurism.com/the-byte/new-microsoft-ai-clone-your-voice
[therecord.media] Attackers don’t bother brute-forcing long passwords, Microsoft engineer says https://therecord.media/attackers-dont-bother-brute-forcing-long-passwords-microsoft-engineer-says/
[TechRadar] Been putting off that free Windows 11 or 10 upgrade? Windows 7 and 8 diehards need to move fast https://www.techradar.com/computing/windows/been-putting-off-that-free-windows-11-or-10-upgrade-windows-7-and-8-diehards-need-to-move-fast
[Ars Technica] FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/09/fcc-details-plan-to-restore-the-net-neutrality-rules-repealed-by-ajit-pai/
[Electronic Frontier Foundation] How To Turn Off Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” Ad Tracking—and Why You Should https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/how-turn-googles-privacy-sandbox-ad-tracking-and-why-you-should
[CNET] This App Can Delete Your Personal History from Websites. And It's Simple https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/this-app-can-delete-your-personal-history-from-websites-and-its-simple-heres-how-to-use/
[talkliberation.substack.com] NOW SERVING: An early release of the Panquake Pie! https://talkliberation.substack.com/p/panquake-early-release-pnqk-now-available
Tip of the Week: Catching Phish: https://firewallsdontstopdragons.com/how-to-catch-a-phish/
Further Info
Win a copy of “How to Catch a Phish”! https://fdsd.me/catchaphish
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: https://www.cisa.gov/cybersecurity-awareness-month
Microsoft’s VALL-E voice-gen tool: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/vall-e-x/
Panquake URL shortener: https://pnqk.me/
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