Our friend Gabe Haggard had to go hang out with his family this week, so he is only in this episode in spirit. Fortunately, Lady P rounded up a couple of great guests to pick up the slack. This week Gary Lampert and Emma Guerard join Lady P to discuss the number 11 movie on the Sight and Sound Greatest Films of All Time List: Sergei Eisenstein's BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN.
Next, they discuss how much we should take historical context into consideration when assessing a film. For instance, BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN was funded and made at the behest of a dictator. It's without question, a brilliant piece of Soviet propaganda. Should the film be docked a few notches due to it's sorted history? And what about films that feature blatant racism or sexism? Should important films like BIRTH OF A NATION or TRIUMPH OF THE WILL be included on the Sight and Sound list, despite the fact that they feature some very disturbing themes?? Listen and find out what the panelists think.