On today’s episode Lady P and Gabe are joined by writer, producer, and good friend of the show, Steve Teamkin. This time the panelists embark on an epic journey through space and time, as they discuss Stanley Kubrick’s seminal 1968 sci-fi classic, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. 2001 is considered to be among the greatest and most influential science fiction films of all time, which is probably why it’s ranked number 6 on the Sight and Sound critics poll. That being said, one or two of our panelists were a little less than awed by Mr. Kubrick’s grand tour of the cosmos. Listen and find out how well they defend their dissent from popular critical opinion.
Next up, we jump forward in time to the 21st century for a discussion about another touchy feely machine. This time it’s the female operating system in Spike Jonze’s oscar winner, HER. Most humanoids are typically rendered helpless when they encounter the husky, melodious vocal tones of Scarlett Johansson. Find if out the panelists are as enraptured with Johansson’s “Sam” as the rest of their species.
They finish off the episode by briefly revisiting Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans .