Today is a continuation of our ongoing "Female Filmmaker Extravaganza", a series of podcasts meant to showcase films directed by women. This time we're making an effort to spotlight an under-the-radar, woman-helmed, classic. Martin Kessler lays down the case for why Liu Jiayin's little seen 2009-film, OXHIDE II, is worthy of the Flixwise Favorites List.
OXHIDE II boast a cast of three, a crew of one, and has the distinction of having far-and-away the smallest budget of any movie Flixwise has ever discussed. The film takes place in one location - a small, cramped apartment in Beijing, China. It shows, in nine very long takes, a family gathered around a table, assembling and consuming chive dumplings. While the set design and scope of the film may seem meager, the final product is rich in detail and emotion. But can a movie of this size really to be considered among the greatest films of all time? Martin must convince Lady P, and Flixwise's Art Director, Emma Guerard, that the film's scale is part of why this movie is indeed deserving of canonization.