Flora and Friends – Your botanical cup of tea
For non Swedish-speaking listeners I recommend the English recent lichen episode on the FloraFunga podcast in which hostess Kaitlyn interviews Steven Leavitt and Lili from the Lichenology Lab at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA about their research on lichens.
Resources in Swedish recommended by Janolof:
Janolof Hermansson with Lennart Bratt, Bengt Oldhammer, Tomas Ljung, Rolf Lundqvist Hotade och sällsynta växter i Dalarna - Lavar och mossor
Svante Hultengren, Roland Moberg Lavar-en fältguide
Johan Nitare Skyddvärd skog: naturvårdsarter och andra kriterier för naturvärdesbedömning
Further reading in English
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