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Angela Ardolino, a certified holistic pet health coach and expert in cannabis and fungi medicine, has over 20 years of experience in holistic pet care. A graduate of the University of Vermont's Medical Cannabis for Therapeutic Use program, she is a passionate advocate for safe, natural, and ethically-grown plant and mushroom medicine for pets. Angela hosts the podcast "Your Natural Dog," where she educates pet parents on holistic care. Her journey into plant medicine began with treating her own rheumatoid arthritis with cannabis, leading her to found CBD Dog Health in 2018, offering full-spectrum hemp extract CBD products for pets. Motivated by her dogs' health challenges, Angela also launched MycoDog, a line of sustainable mushroom extract and adaptogen tinctures for dogs, created in collaboration with mycologist Jason Scott.
If you'd like to read this episode in more a digestive format, Click ME (Takes 3 min)
Mushrooms| Fungi| Health| Functional Health| Medicinal| Medicine| Podcast| China| Dogs| Cannabis| CBD| Substrate Matters| Flora Funga Podcast|
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Zbiotics: "FLORA10"
Drink ZBiotics before drinking alcohol-Alcohol produces acetaldehyde, a byproduct that your next day
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