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Hello my scientists, I'm Kaitlyn Kuehn a plant biologist with a thirst for mycology. Today we talk with Judith Felten a researcher at the Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Umeå Plant Science Center in Sweden. Her research interests are pertaining to the development of ectomycorrhzial symbioses. Her research aims on understanding the molecular mechanism required for ectomycorrhiza establishment. She is also the CEO of Flora L. Design where she:
1. Takes samples from flora
2. Takes microscope images (microscopy)
3. Turns those images of the inside of plants into a beautiful piece of fabric
4. Turns that fabric into anything you'd like from towels to bags
General info about mycorrhiza :
Hartig Net Image
Research at Umeå Plant Science Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences:
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Zbiotics: "FLORA10"
Drink ZBiotics before drinking alcohol-Alcohol produces acetaldehyde, a byproduct that your next day
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