As a developer we all want to write bug free and high quality code. Writing tests is a crucial part to achieve this. Let’s explore the art of ensuring robust and bug-free code in the Java ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, there’s a lot you can learn from the experts in this podcast about testing methodologies, tools, and best practices, empowering you to write reliable Java applications.
00:00 Introduction of the topic and guests
02:38 Is the testing pyramid still valid?
04:51 Introducing the Testing Honeycomb
05:50 Changes in the architecture of application and testing frameworks
06:52 What is the border between unit, system, and integration test?
16:17 Unit tests as behavior tests
21:11 Defining a testing strategy and the cost of change
26:45 Your tests also need architecting
31:18 How Testcontainers can simplify mocking and tests as a developer productivity tool
40:20 The cost of flaky tests
41:24 What type of feedback can we get from tests?
49:24 Digma plugin for IntelliJIDEA
49:49 Testing with AI
59:47 Should developers love writing tests?
01:18:40 Conclusion