Episode 87 - TheMadScientist - Back To The Paulo Futre
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of your weekly football manager podcast.
On this episode, we chat to one of the most creative forces in the FM Community, the database King himself, TheMadScientist.
If you're not familiar with Mads work, then you've missed out on FM21s 01/02 database, FM21's Cospaia database which was for a made up country, and more recently, FM22's incredible 92/93 database.
We're not even gonna pretend to apologise for how much 90s football we talk here.
At the end of the podcast, TheMadScientist is actually given the opportunity to chose the Monthly Discord Challenge, and spoiler alert, Tony isn't best pleased!
Also, as part of our Patreon, you can get a second podcast with TheMadScientist who gives you his top picks, and budget picks, for drafting with the 92/93 database.
We would love for you to follow TheMadScientist, his details are as follows:
Steam Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2783940347
Save Game File https://mediafire.com/file/ejonbv2472j1oyg/1992_93_DB.fm/file
fmf file (Use the default FM Database)
Logo Pack https://mediafire.com/file/czxtyxml2b5ucrj/1992-93_Logos_Patch.rar/file
Join our Discord community https://discord.gg/RuwVWsSfe6
Hosted By: Tony Jameson and Rich Owens
Produced By: Tony Jameson
Find Us On Twitch! twitch.tv/tonyjamesonfm twitch.tv/richowensfm
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