The Urgenda case was the game changer. It opened up a new dialogue between human rights law and climate science, while it marked a watershed moment for climate justice: from then on, we saw new measures to protect people from the harms posed by climate change. We start from there with the voices of those who experienced the Urgenda case on the front line.
We tell the story of climate litigation and why it is a crucial aspect of the future planet.
We explore how scientific information can inform climate justice through the voices of a scientist and a lawyer:
Delta Merner, Lead Scientist of the Science Hub for Climate Litigation at the Union of Concerned Scientists, and
Lucy Maxwell, human rights and climate change lawyer and co-director of the Climate Litigation Network within the Urgenda Foundation. Each from their specific perspective, they share the common goal of making climate justice a reality worldwide. And they believe that, in the future, climate litigation will be successful when we don't need it anymore.
You have listened to Foresight – Deep into the Future Planet,
a podcast produced by the
CMCC Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and FACTA.
The concept, interviews and texts are by Elisabetta Tola and Giulia Bonelli.
The audio editing is by Lisa Lazzarato.
The original music is by Massimo Bassan.
The executive producer at CMCC is Mauro Buonocore.
Foresight – Deep into the Future Planet, is available on and wherever you listen to your podcasts.