This month Sonia and I talk through various government policies all about being horrible to migrants. It's a seemingly inexhaustible vein. Indeed, there aren't many (any?) government immigration policies NOT about being horrible to migrants. We then move on to discuss a few different nationality law issues, including the mind-boggling case of Roehrig, which appears to have effectively denaturalised tens of thousands of British citizens at a stroke. Finally, we turn to some important but rather technical updates for the lawyers amongst you.
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Government policy
The misguided allure of deterrence policy
Adults at risk in immigration detention annual report scrapped after highlighting inadequacies (mention)
High Court orders Home Secretary to immediately increase asylum support rates (mention)
Is it time for the UK to change its stance on asylum seekers working? (mention)
Operation Warm Welcome cools: over 9,000 Afghans still in temporary accommodation (mention - and update with new news on this)
Legal aid for asylum seekers is broken
Will in-country visa delays have long-term consequences for economic migration? (mention)
A modest proposal for reforming the immigration system: shorten key immigration routes
Revised guidance on section 4L British Nationality Act 1981: the Romein principle
The reasonably foreseeable consequences of depriving someone of British citizenship
High Court casts doubt on British citizenship of children of EU citizens
For lawyers...
“Upgrading” a visa application you have already made
Permission needs to be properly sought for video link evidence from abroad
Case disposed of in error after Secretary of State fails to comply with court directions
Is Chikwamba still relevant?
Durable partner rules dumbfound the Upper Tribunal
Identifying litigation friends for vulnerable migrants