Our November roundup is here, where Colin and I cover the latest asylum and trafficking statistics, changes to the way late applications to the EUSS are treated, questions the SRA still hasn't answered, a couple of articles on Palestinians as well as quite a lot of case law.
Policy (00:45)
Assessing Braverman’s legacy as Home Secretary: Part Deux
Asylum (02:10)
Briefing: four looming problems in the UK asylum system and how to address them
Permission granted in challenge to rejection of Albanian asylum claim
Returning a refugee to persecution must be a last resort
India and Georgia to be added to the list of ‘safe’ countries
Gaza: what is the UK doing to rescue British citizens and their family members?
Damages claim for asylum delay dismissed by Court of Appeal
Upper Tribunal failed to properly assess whether error of law was material in asylum appeal
Immigration (16:10)
Deception case returned to the Upper Tribunal after material error of law made
Making sense of sole responsibility for child visas in immigration law
Deportation (19:10)
Court of Appeal says deportation of mother of British child not “unduly harsh”
Nationality (20:45)
Court of Appeal dismisses appeal on interpretation of nationality law
Trafficking (21:55)
Latest trafficking figures show benefit of change in Home Office policy
The UK must improve labour market enforcement in order to tackle exploitation of workers
Increasing numbers of sponsored migrant workers are being exploited in the UK
EU Settlement Scheme (26:05)
Important changes to the way late EUSS applications are treated
Court of Appeal dismisses government appeal on access to benefits for people with pre settled status
Procedure (28:38)
How to become an OISC level 2 adviser
Government should not routinely remove names of civil servants in judicial review disclosure
Guidance in Begum on deprivation decisions is not restricted to national security cases
Late evidence from the Home Office can be admitted in an appeal where the appellant was aware of it
Updated article (34:30)
Briefing: Article 1D of the Refugee Convention and Palestinian refugees