Welcome to the August 2018 edition of the Free Movement immigration update podcast. This month I start on two subjects I’ve always been interested in, refusals of visit visa applications and the power to deprive people of their British citizenship. Both came to public attention in August due to media coverage. From there we go to the more specialist realm of procedure, including some significant new guidance on awarding costs against the Home Office. Then I mention a few developments in human rights and EU law, including Brexit, before finishing on some interesting new judgments on human trafficking.
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The main content of the downloadable 25-minute audio podcast follows the (non chronological) order of content below:
Visit visas
What’s going on with UK visit visas?
Visit visa refusals: appeal or judicial review?
How is the government using its increased powers to strip British people of their citizenship?
New guidance on costs awards against the Home Office could transform immigration appeals
Upper Tribunal should correct its money laundering warning to immigration solicitors
Upper Tribunal’s error of law reasoning can very rarely be altered when a decision is re-made
Human rights
When does bad immigration advice affect a human rights appeal?
Migrants need the right to work while fighting immigration cases
How to apply for a UK spouse or partner visa
What are the financial requirements for UK spouse and partner visas?
EU law