Welcome to episode 74 of the Free Movement immigration update podcast. This month we’ve got a couple of Supreme Court decisions to cover then a carousel of other cases on detention, the rights of British children to live with their parents in the UK, asylum, EU law, human rights, citizenship and the future of the immigration system. We start, though, by talking a little about what the coronavirus might mean in the short, medium and long term for immigration law and practice.
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The downloadable 26-minute podcast follows the running order below:
Supreme Court
Detention is unlawful if based on unlawful deportation order
Unlawful “curfew” amounted to false imprisonment at common law
Don’t clog up the Admin Court with damages claims, warns Court of Appeal
Mother of two British children denied visa to move with them to the UK
Having a British child “not necessarily a weighty factor” in deportation cases
The gospel according to Iran: new country guidance case on Christian converts
Benefit of doubt applies even to abbreviated age assessments
EU law
Surinder Singh route still requires genuine residence abroad
Paragraph 322(5)
Court of Appeal lowers the bar for refusing tax discrepancy cases
Human rights