Welcome to episode 76 of the Free Movement immigration update podcast. This month we start with an important case concerning the hostile environment and the latest hardline deportation decisions. We then discuss immigration detention, including a case on the impact of coronavirus, before covering benefits, removals of migrants with children, immigration tribunal procedure and some mild controversy involving First-tier Tribunal judges.
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The downloadable 29-minute podcast follows the running order below:
Hostile environment
Government wins Right to Rent appeal
Deportation of Royal Marine with 14 years’ service upheld on appeal
Another deportation appeal founders on the “unduly harsh” test
Judgment published in Detention Action coronavirus case
Chief Inspector blasts Home Office operation of Adults at Risk policy
High Court blow for EU citizens with pre-settled status trying to claim Universal Credit
Reasonableness, removals and children back in Court of Appeal spotlight
Upper Tribunal reminds visitors not to try and stay in the UK permanently
What happens when a variation application is invalid?
People who lie to the Home Office are unlikely to get indefinite leave to remain