Welcome to episode 87 of the Free Movement immigration update podcast. This month we’re covering two main sets of reform proposals, the New Plan for Immigration and changes to judicial review. We’ve also got a bunch of new Immigration Rules to mention, a handful of interesting cases and a proposed new code of conduct for Presenting Officers, the officials who represent the Home Office in immigration appeals.
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The downloadable 29-minute podcast follows the running order below. Timestamps indicate when a particular section begins.
A first look at the “New Plan for Immigration”
Does the policy of deterring asylum seekers actually work?
Supreme Court reiterates that a refugee cannot be removed until claim is assessed
Judicial review (9.55)
Cart cases scrapped as government launches judicial review consultation
Business and students (13.53)
New statement of changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 1248
Immigration measures in the 2021 Budget
Family immigration (16.35)
Policy on fee waivers for entry clearance is unlawful, government concedes
When does having a partner disqualify you from keeping a parent visa?
Regulation (20.06)
Censure of lawyers over asylum camp case shows difficulty of systemic litigation
Human rights (22.48)