Becky Garrison returns to Progressive Spirit to talk about alternative spiritual communities. Secular church but not "church." Not religious but a place to connect, find meaning, do worthwhile things. We'll hear about
The Portland Round--the visual arts, slam poetry, and music come together for intimacy and collaboration,
Sex Positive Portland -- "members plan and host events centered around understanding and exploring all aspects of human sexuality, relationship styles, kink, gender and orientation,"
Prismhousepdx -- "a community connected through cannabis,"
Sacred Circle Dance Community -- “no previous experienced required, just a desire to dance,”
Gary Austin Workshops -- "free the actor to make better choices by committing to the unknown, getting out of her head, and being in the present moment."
Set List Show -- "Stand-Up Without A Net"
and the Orchard Kitchen in Whidby Island near Seattle that is building community through food and sustainability.
Becky is a religion writer and her credits include work for The Washington Post's On Faith column, The Guardian, Believe Out Loud, Killing the Buddha, American Atheist Magazine, Perceptive Travel, The Revealer, The Humanist, Religion Dispatches and the now defunct Wittenberg Door.